My family and I had a great weekend in Fredericksburg, Texas. We drank lots of good wine at some of the local wineries, heard some excellent live music at several different venues, hiked to the top of Enchanted Rock, and ate some good food.
The weekend started with our grandson’s first tackle football game (I was more nervous than he was!) and we loved it! Of course, I’m a tad biased, but he did great. As the quarterback for the first half of the game, he ran for over 40 yards; he had three great punts; and, on defense, he made three fantastic tackles and an interception. And his team won the game!
Of course, in my mind he was the MVP.
Camping in Fredericksburg
After the game, we drove to Fredericksburg and set up the RV in Texas Wine Country Jellystone Park Camp Resort. That’s a very long name for an RV park a few miles outside of Fredericksburg.
Before the jacks had the motorhome leveled, the three grandkids had their bathing suits on and were out the door! Over the next couple of days, they had a blast at Jellystone. We all played on the jumping pillow, cooled off in the pool, and played a game of washers, ping pong, and pool. I figured, after all of that, they would be so tired they would hit the sack around 8 p.m., but my head hit the pillow long before they crashed!

Live Music in Fredericksburg and Luckenbach
Austin may be the live music capital of Texas, but Fredericksburg is a close second. All you have to do is listen for a pretty voice, the twang of a guitar, or the beat of a drum and you’ll find some shade and a cold drink.
Excellent music and great food go hand in hand. Most of the restaurants have patios with live music on the weekends, several have music during the week, and a few have entertainment every day.
After we drug the kids out of the pool, we headed to Luckenbach, just down the road from our campground. They always have excellent music.
On the weekends, there are festivals or bands playing in the dance hall (Max Stalling was there Saturday night) and free music on the outdoor stage Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Two of our favorites, Walt and Tina Wilkins, were playing when we arrived. It was a pleasure to get to listen to them. Hard to beat sitting under the oak trees in Luckenbach, sipping a cold beer, and listening to good music.

Lincoln Street Wine Market
After a great set, we headed into Fredericksburg for some wine and cheese at Lincoln Street Wine Market. They had a cool outdoor patio with fireplaces, plus some food, wine, and beer. I missed the name of the talented lady playing the keyboards, but she was very good.
Then we moseyed up the block for dinner and margaritas on the patio at EL Milagro where we caught a couple of sets from the Flying GTs. They’re two dads and two sons playing some good cover band music ranging from classic rock by the Eagles to good country by Merle Haggard and Pat Green.
As we walked back to the car, two musicians played at Lincoln Street. We couldn’t resist a set and a nightcap.

Crossroads Saloon & Steakhouse
After a good pizza dinner the next evening, we heard a set from Davey Schrank at Crossroads Saloon & Steakhouse. It’s a fun hangout for dancing and drinking. After that, we walked across the street to Hondo’s outdoor patio and the Flying GTs were living it up on stage.

When we got back to the camper, we heard more singing and guitar playing. Lo and behold, we saw a guy playing a guitar and trying to look like Elvis. Yup, that’s Yogi Bear smiling in the background!
When Elvis was done, two fellow campers disappeared and came back with a guitar and accordion. They entertained us for another hour. They were really good, and very lively, as my granddaughter watched from atop the fire hydrant!

Silver Creek Patio and Back to Luckenbach
The next day, we had lunch on the patio at Silver Creek and llistened to some Jimmy Buffet-style guitar playing. Since it was five o’clock somewhere, we had to start the day with a Bloody Mary.
After lunch, we somehow ended up back at Luckenbach for the “Picker Circle” with West Creek, which is a local three piece Americana, blues, rock, and country band. Over the course of the afternoon, a lady at the bar and another guitarist joined the trio. She had a beautiful voice and was an excellent fiddle player.

Climbing Enchanted Rock
I figured that if all that music, walking around Fredericksburg, swimming, and jumping on the bounce pillow didn’t wear the grandkids out, then a climb to the top of Enchanted Rock was sure to do so. Plus, I’d get to work off a couple beers and margaritas.
Enchanted Rock is a massive granite outcropping that challenges you to get to its top, climb or rappel off some of the faces, hike any of several trails to the top or around the perimeter, and explore the cracks and crevices of huge boulders. I was a tad worried about the 4-year-old granddaughter, but she did great keeping up with her two older brothers as they scurried quickly to the top. Of course, they left me behind, huffing and puffing. It was more than a half mile up a steep rock face in 100-degree weather!
By the end of the day, I was pooped. I fell asleep on the ride back to the RV and had to take a couple of Advils and a nap. The rest of the family enjoyed all the amenities at the RV park for a couple of hours.

Fredericksburg Wineries
After a nap, I drug the grandkids to visit three different wineries so I could relax, sample some wine, and listen to more music before they headed home.
Texas Hill Country is home to over 45 wineries, second only to Napa California. Fredericksburg is the epicenter for the wineries in the Hill Country.

We visited Fat Ass Ranch & Winery (I love them and their logo and now own a Fat Ass t-shirt and hat) and Becker Vineyards. We also went to Grape Creek Vineyards because Jeff Wood, one of our favorites, was playing on the patio. He has a fantastic voice. He played a combination of his own songs and some cover songs from some of the best artists, like Neil Diamond and Don McLean. How can you beat sipping some excellent wine under some sprawling oaks listening to one of the best voices around?
We had a fun few days in Fredericksburg.