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Reviews of Stillhouse Hollow Lake, Union Grove Park, and Dana Peak Park:
If you are planning a visit to Stillhouse Hollow Lake, you should first read the Texas Outside review of the lake, check out the campground reviews of Union Grove and Dana Peak, and take a look at Salado for fun things to see and do in Salado.
Camping Information:
Union Grove Park– This park offers both R.V. and tentcamping with water and electricity available at all sites. Union Grove Park has a total of37 campsites. Of these 37 campsites, 7 are tent only sites, 4 are pull through sites, 2are double sites and the remainder of the sites will accommodate tent, trailer or R.V.’s.The park also has restroom facilities with showers, a swim beach and a 4 lane boatramp.Most of these sites have excellent water access so you can pull your boat up to shore.
Dana Peak Park– This Park offers both R.V. and tentcamping with water and electricity available at all sites. Dana Peak has a total of 25campsites. Of these 25 campsites, 5 sites are tent only, 2 sites are pull through sites, 3sites are double sites, 2 sites are mini group shelters and the remainder of the sites areavailable for tent, trailer or R.V. use. Dana Peak contains restroom facilities withshowers, a swim beach with change shelter, and a 4-lane boatramp. Most of these sites areclose to the water so you can pull your boat up to shore.
Hunting Information:
Certain designated public land at Stillhouse Hollow Lake is open for freepublic hunting. The areas that are open to hunting on Stillhouse Hollow Lake are coloredin a peach color on the lake map labeled as Wildlife Management Areas. Hunters mustobserve all Federal and State hunting laws and regulations that apply to these publiclands with regard to hunting license, season and bag limits. Hunting is allowed from Sept.1 through the end of Quail season. Hunters are required to wear blaze orange during someseasons while in these hunting areas. Anyone interested in hunting is encouraged tocontact the office prior to planning a trip.
Boat Ramp Locations:
Stillhouse Park– Stillhouse Park has a 4-lane boatramp that is located next to the marina.
Dana Peak Park– Dana Peak Park has a 4-lane boatramp that is located on the North end of the park. You should check out the Texas Outside review of Dana Peak Park to learn more about the park.
Union Grove– Union Grove has a 4-lane boatramp that is located on the South end of the park. This is a free boatramp with access to vault restrooms and fishing dock. Read the review of Union Grove to see some pictures and learn more about the Park.
River’s Bend Park– River’s Bend has a 4-lane boatramp that is located at the end of the park road. This is a free boatramp with access to vault restrooms and picnic tables with cookers.
Cedar Gap Park– This park has a 1-lane boatramp with access to vault restrooms. There is no charge to use this ramp.
Hiking Information:
Chalk Ridge FallsHiking Trail– This trail located below the Stillhouse Hollow Lake Dam. This is afree area that is open from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm October 1- March 31 and is open from 8:00 am- 8:00 pm April 1- September 30. Dogs, glass containers, alcoholic beverages, bicycles orfirearms are not allowed in the park. There is approximately 5 miles of hiking trail inthis area. This is an outstanding trail with waterfalls and a suspension bridge.
Dana Peak Trail– This trail is located at the entrance toDana Peak Park. This trail is designed for hiking, biking or equestrian use with a corraland water trough for the horses. This is a free area that is open from daylight till darkyear round. The trail head is located on Dana Peak Road before the gatehouse at theentrance to the developed area of the park.
Picnicking Information:
Dana Peak Park– In addition to camping, this park alsohas a day-use area with 32 sites for picnicking. There are restroom facilities, swim beachand boatramp near this area.
Stillhouse Park– This park has 38 picnic sites with great water access at eachsite as well as access to the swim beach. Also, there is a playground for the kids. Wateris available in the park, but not at each site and electricity is not available.
River’s Bend Park– This park has 16 picnic sites with cookers, good water access,a 4-lane boatramp and vault restroom facilities. Water is available in the park, but notat each site and electricity is not available. Currently, all facilities within this parkare free of charge.