The Possum Kingdom Hike and Bike Trail is located on a topographical feature called Red Bird Hill. If you’re looking for a great trail to follow, you should head to Possum Kingdom and check this one out.
In the photo below, you can see Johnson Peak off to the right. That hill has several miles of rugged mountain bike trails that are used by those who know about them. Few bikers are aware of them, however. They will eventually be incorporated into the rest of the planned 20-mile Possum Kingdom Hike & Bike Trail system.

How the Hike & Bike Trail Came to Be
The Trail was completed and opened by the Brazos River Authority, largely financed by a $77,000 grant through Texas Parks and Wildlife. There are five miles of outstanding, five-foot-wide natural trails through timbered terrain that takes mountain bikers or hikers to panoramic views of the lake atop a large hill. It will eventually connect with 20 more miles of nature trails yet be be constructed.
It sits on 200 acres of Brazos River Authority land on a section of property commonly known as “the peninsula”. It’s very near YMCA Camp Grady Spruce.
The great thing about the project is that it protects this natural area from any future development. Additionally, it provides a great amenity for nature lovers and mountain bikers with convenient facilities such as lighted parking, a rest room, and a water fountain. I’m told that many developers have wanted to pepper the area with residential cottage sites or build condominiums on the sides of the hill. That, of course, would have destroyed its natural beauty as well as the animal habitat. This project stops that from ever happening because it was largely financed with federal funds through the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.
Click here to read about hiking Johnson Trail.