Larry Joe Taylor’s 2012 24th Annual Music Festival Review

In April, some scenic, peaceful, and gently rolling countryside that is normally home to several grazing cattle, wild turkeys, and other wildlife plus an interesting resident hippie comes alive with over 35,000 music fans, camping gear of all kinds, speakers blasting outstanding country music, lots of laughing, plus flavorful aromas from the campers, chili cook…

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Raz on the Braz

Posted Categories Texas

Music Festivals and Events Raz on the Braz August 2006 Terry Rasor celebrated his birthday with over 700 fans at this years Raz on the Braz. This was the 11th annual Raz on the Braz and as usual it was a great time with some excellent music. This event was held at Bucks on the…

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Raz on the Braz | 2019 Texas Outside

Posted Categories Texas

Music Festivals and Events Raz on the Braz August 2006 Terry Rasor celebrated his birthday with over 700 fans at this years Raz on the Braz. This was the 11th annual Raz on the Braz and as usual it was a great time with some excellent music. This event was held at Bucks on the…

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