The Best Tex-Mex In Texas

Posted Categories Texas

From the Mayan to Aztec to Spanish to Mexican to Anglo-European to North and South American cultures, came the dishes, which culminated into many cuisines. One of the most confusing enigmas about the American cuisines is how to delineate Tex-Mex cuisine and Mexican cuisine. This quandary puzzles new immigrants to Texas. The differences between the…

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Fun Things to Do In Houston

Houston is famous for its cultural diversity, a lively arts scene, a vast literary body, and international communities. What attracts people to Houston? The Houston Ship Channel complex houses over 200 public and private facilities, is 50 miles long, and the busiest and largest sea port for ship tonnage in the U.S. Houston’s port and Hobby International Airport…

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The Best Kayaking & Canoeing Guides in Texas

Posted Categories Kayaking

There are almost as many Texas kayaking guides and outfitters as there are places to paddle in Texas. Most Texas kayak and canoeing guides and outfitters specialize in either freshwater or saltwater activities. Rates vary widely based on location and activity (fishing, birding, exploring) like kayak fishing, birding, or exploring the rivers and bayous by…

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6 Guadalupe Mountain Hiking Trails

Posted Categories Texas, West Texas

Guadalupe Mountains National Park is known for its extensive hiking and backpacking trails in one of the nation’s most pristine wilderness areas. As you hike and backpack through the world’s premier example of a fossil reef from the Permian Era. You will experience birding, fantastic scenery, history, and many other opportunities to learn and have…

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