Mike Sharp

Sequin Wave Pool
A 15,000 square foot wave pool with a zero-depth beach type entry, a splash pool, and raindrop mushroom

Kimble Country Historical Commission Museum
A collection of Indian relics, World War I & II memorabiliaand other interesting artifacts and information

South Llano Fishing
Head east on the first street out of town off of U.S. 377 at theTexas Tech University sign. The upstream portion of the river offers...

South Llano River Tubing/Canoeing/Kayaking
Just south of the dam at the Junction City Park is good for tubing, canoeing, and kayaking

Walter Buck WMA – Hike & Bike Trails
2,155 acres of rough Texas Hill Country with 18 miles of hiking and mountain biking trails

Water Buck Wildlife Management Area
2,155 acres of rough Texas Hill Country composed of limestone hills with densestands of juniper, live oak, and Spanish oak – good hike and mountain...

The Legends Inn
A friendly and casual atmosphere, family-styleservice, and clean comfortable remodeled rooms

SegAway Texas
Want an exiting and unique way to tour the city? Try riding your own Segaway – really cool and fun!