Thanks for your interest in internet advertising on Texas Outside which provides advertising to outdoor enthusiasts who are affluent and well educated. If you are interested in grabbing the attention of over 1.5 million outdoor enthusiasts and people from across the world who are interested in Texas travel, Texas vacations, outdoor activities, and fun things to see and do in Texas, then you need to consider an internet advertising campaign on Texas Outside. Submit the form at the bottom of the page and we’ll get back in touch with you.
About Texas Outside
Texas Outside has been an active website since 1996 and currently has over 15,000 pages of exciting content on Texas. Here are some facts about Texas Outside:
- Here are some facts about Texas Outside:
- An active website for over 20 years – an eon in the internet business
- 2019 ended with over 37.5 million hits, 10.5 million page views, and 1.3 million unique visitors
- Ranked the “#1 Outdoor Recreation Website in Texas”
- Listed by Frommer’s International Travel Guide as the “Best of Texas Online”
- Rated as “Gold Certified” and in the “Domain Hall of Fame” at GoProRanking! because Texas Outside has more visitor traffic than 99% of other websites they index
- Over the last year our advertising clients received over 2.6 million impressions/ad views and over 157,000 website clicks for a click through rate that is 6..07 times higher than the industry average
- Highly ranked by, Google, and other website ranking sites
- Over 15,000 inbound links from other websites
- Quantcast stated that Texas Outside visitors are affluent (26% earn over $100,000 and 35% earn between $60,000 to $100,000) and well educated with 64% having a college or graduate degree
Based on our Google Page Ranking and time in business, we are very well indexed for hundreds of keywords and you will consistently see Texas Outside on the first page, and usually in the first to fifth position. Some examples of where Texas Outside is consistently in the first or second position include: Texas Parks, Best Texas Golf Courses, Texas Outdoor Weddings, Texas Reunions, Texas Golf Course Reviews, Romantic Getaways, Texas Boat Rentals, Texas Resorts, Texas Kayaking, Texas Reunions, Texas Corporate Retreats, Fishing Guides, Best Texas Resorts, Golf Stay & Play, and many many more. Linking your site with Texas Outside will also help your page ranking and drive additional traffic to your site.
See what some of our viewers are saying about Texas Outside.
Advertising Options On Texas Outside
When you advertise on Texas Outside, you have a number of creative options for promoting your business and grabbing the attention of the Texas Outside outdoor enthusiasts, some of which include:
- banners, skyscrapers, and button ads
- pictures with captions and links
- descriptions and text links
- coupons and specials for Texas Outside visitors
- detailed reviews and ratings of your business and offerings
- Texas Outside newsletter promotions to over 19,800 fans
- other creative mediums – let’s put our heads together and come up with something unique and attention grabbing
You can target market your advertising by Texas Region, Texas City, specific activity or sport. If you don’t have a website, we can create a page on Texas Outside dedicated to your business, which will act as your website and leverage our ranking with Google.
Our reviews and ratings make Texas Outside unique and our visitors love the reviews. We have reviews of resorts, golf courses, lakes, RV parks, marinas, lodging, and lots more. The reviews are typically accessed from a number of different pages on Texas Outside to help maximize the exposure to our visitors. After a visit, we can write a review of your business which includes several pictures, links, and multiple paragraphs.
We can accept your banners or we will work with you to design and publish a banner or other creative design that will entice our visitors to click on your ad. Below are a couple of examples of banners we have created.
Banners can range in size and shape, here are some examples:
Banner size 728×90

Banner size 468×60

Vertical, rectangle, skyscraper, and other banners of various sizes

Our client renewal rate is well over 90%, our rates are competitive to much lower than similar alternatives, and our click through rates are averaging over 5.3% (the industry average is less than 1% and that is up over 20% from 2014) – all of which provides a very low cost per click rate and excellent return to our client’s investment. In fact, our goal is to keep your cost per click for targeting internet advertising at under 60 cents a click. In 2018 our clients got over 215,000 clicks and 3.5 million ad views.
Unlike most other advertising medium, we have a couple of ways that we can measure the results and success of advertising on Texas Outside. One of these measures is our ad tracking program which can tell you how many Texas Outside visitors have seen your ad and how many have clicked through to your website. One of our measures of success is that Texas Outside advertising clients are averaging click through rates that are 3 to 50 times the industry average and at advertising rates that are well below competitive alternatives. Coupons are another way of measuring the success of advertising with Texas Outside – visitors must add their email address and present the coupon to be entitled to the special.
We assure you that we will do everything possible to contribute to your success and deliver a very high return on your advertising investment. We are consistently looking for and adding new ways to drive business to our clients and we would love to earn your business and do the same for you.
Customer Testimonials About Advertising on Texas Outside
Here are a just a few examples of what our customers are saying about their advertising on Texas Outside:
- “Believe it or not, my hits from your site are up 100%. Had 2,380 hits in the last 30 days. The previous 30 days were 1,122 hits. I am impressed.”
- “I am not sure how many calls I received last year from your site, but I do know I paid for my advertisement fee within the first week from reservations, and then continued to get business for the rest of the summer from my advertisement on your site. The web-link on your site also drove a lot of people to our site and really increased our daily page views.”
- “Just looking at our referrals and you guys are hitting it out of the park. In our top 5 and growing. Just wanted to reach out and say thanks. Great momentum.”
- “We are very excited about being listed on Texas Outside again this year. Our Texas Outside listing really drove us some good business last year! Thanks to your help and the revenue generated from Texas Outside advertising, we plan on expanding this year. We were very impressed with the phenomenal 19% click through rate (the industry average is less than 1%). Keep up the good work”
- “You bet, we want to renew again this year. Texas Outside continues to be on of the top three referrers to our website.”
- “Thank you very much. That is very nice to see that there is still quality customer service occurring in business today. Unfortunately, customer service seems to be a dying trend.”
If you are interested in learning more about advertising with Texas Outside, fill out the form below and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.